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Out of the Park Baseball – Online League EST. 2016

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2049 Winter Meetings

Changes being implemented without A vote:

  • Create a Player system.
  • Booster Points system: Boost created players, Boost Created Personnel, Send existing Personnel to learning seminars, or Delete a pitch.
  • Extended double dipping vs. Emergency double dipping?
  • Manually return your personnel to their previous team after winter-ball finishes.
  • Move up the draft pool announcement so the pool becomes available in the game earlier, COMP ends sooner?

Suggestions being put to a vote:

  • TEAM CASH collected via fines for violating the rulebook will be put into a pool and distributed back out to teams in the following ways:
    (does not apply to fines paid via future misc. player expenses, Team cash only!)
  • Rule 5 status to waiver claims
  • 2nd Lottery:

    Teams ranked 11-18 (the rest of non-playoff teams) have their own lottery for 1st Rd pick positioning.

    Any team failing to meet the 50-win threshold is also entered into this lottery

    Rationale: Encourage teams to push for wild card spots as there will be no draft penalty

  • 25 Wins per 81 Lottery:

    Instead of teams needing 50 wins to avoid lottery penalty teams would need 25 wins in both the first 81 and second 81 games.

    Rationale: Discourage mass sell-offs after teams have put themselves in a good position to achieve 50.  A more fair playing field for their in-season opponents.

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