MLM Starter File

1 – Download the starter league file from here:

2 – Extract the starter league file ( into your OOTP 25 Saved games folder (Documents\Out of the Park Developments\OOTP Baseball 25\saved_games)

3 – After it is extracted you will see a folder called “MLM_OOTP25_Starter_File.lg”

4 – (OPTIONAL) rename “MLM_OOTP25_Starter_File.lg” to whatever you want just make sure it has .lg at the end. For example “blue_jays_mlm.lg” or “MLM.lg

5 – Join the game, Load game: MLM_OOTP25_Starter_File.lg or whatever you renamed it.

6 – Select: Starter League File, password: baseball

7 – Go to file > Online League > Download latest League file

8 – save the game & exit the game

9 – re-load the game and select your profile, which should now appear

your pass: contact the commish

accessing your new profile after using a temporary one:

WHEN then new file is uploaded:

1 – Join the game, Load game: Major League Managers

2 – Select: Starter League File, password: baseball

3 – Go to file > Online League > Download latest League file

4 – save the game & exit the game

5 – re-load the game and select your profile, which should now appear

your pass: contact the commish